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Hitachi partners up with CNBC

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CNBC has bagged a regional sponsorship deal with Hitachi around the network's Managing Asia, Asia Builders series.The campaign includes an event in Singapore and it will run across CNBC's TV and digital platforms. In addition to the on-ground event, Hitachi’s sponsorship will include promos running on CNBC Asia Pacific and digital entitlements on along with a series of TVCs. These promos will aim to showcase Hitachi's innovations in addressing challenges prevalent in developed and emerging countries.The series, Managing Asia, Asia Builders will air across CNBC Asia Pacific and will be hosted by Christine Tan. It will feature a one-on-one conversation with celebrated global architect, Moshe Safdie, along with a panel discussion exploring opportunities, risks and growth strategies for the region with influentail business leaders who are shaping the Asian landscape such as Bintang Perbowo, Serge Pun, Jonathan Stein and Sorapoj Techakraisri.Kiyoaki Iigaya, chief executive for Asia, Hitachi,  said, “We are very much honored and thrilled to have this great platform with influential thought leaders for exchanging candid ideas and inspirations. Through the learnings of these in-depth discussions, Hitachi aims to address the challenges faced in this region through our diverse range of products and solutions.”Kerry Tarrant, vice president of sales at CNBC Asia Pacific said, “This multi-platform campaign closely aligns with Hitachi’s strategic priorities, while also effectively targeting our influential and affluent business audience in an engaging way.”

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