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LOOK Disturbing mannequin challenge takes us to child brothel

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Creative agency Naga DDB Tribal has launched probably one of the most disturbing mannequin challenge videos that you've ever watched.Along with non-profit organisation Protect and Save the Children (PSC), the duo collaborated once again after their joint campaign last year called “Nursery Crimes” in fighting against child sexual exploitation. The campaign came not long after the country was rocked by headlines of British paedophile Richard Huckle, who preyed on up to 200 Malaysian children in an impoverished part of Kuala Lumpur.Titled "The Sickest Mannequin Challenge," the two and a half minute video takes its audience on a tour of a child brothel filled with both of its under-aged victims and a bunch of their predatory "hungry wolves."Check out the gruesome video below: creative director Alvin Teoh told A+M that its latest project, which aims to further create awareness of paedophiles in Malaysia, is part of its long battle against child abuse and effort in pushing for stricter laws.Teoh also explained that the idea behind the creation of the video actually came five to six years ago when he spoke to two victims aged about 15 years old who were sold as prostitutes in a child brothel in the heart of Kuala Lumpur."I thought they were homeless but was surprised to find out that they (the two girls) were actually selling themselves in the street. They were Malaysians from the east coast involved in the flesh trade. That little incident and chat has never left my mind," Teoh said.When asked why there aren't any Caucasians in the video, Teoh explained that it was a separate production house which picked the actors. But he stressed that should not be the focus of the campaign, as the brothel portrayed in the video represented a local establishment which provides both local and migrant kids with majority customers being locals.   

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