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Why AI has made PR and communications more relevant than ever

Why AI has made PR and communications more relevant than ever

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The whispers started a few years ago: "Will AI replace PR professionals?" They grew louder with the rise of tools such as ChatGPT, fueling anxieties about robots stealing our jobs. But fear not, fellow communicators, because the truth is quite the opposite. In 2024, embrace the AI revolution, and your role as a PR and communication professional will become more crucial than ever.

Let's be real: communication skills have always been the bedrock of our profession. Now, LinkedIn confirms it – for the second year running, communication tops the list of in-demand skills. But here's the twist: AI isn't here to replace us, it's here to augment us.

Imagine AI as a powerful toolkit. ChatGPT helps craft compelling messages, while Grain transcribes meetings, ensuring everyone's voice is heard. These tools become extensions of ourselves, freeing us from mundane tasks and allowing us to focus on the human element: strategy, empathy, and storytelling.

Here's how embracing AI elevates our role:

1. Efficiency powerhouse: Imagine crafting personalised press releases in minutes, thanks to AI-powered content generation. Now you can focus on building relationships with journalists, securing interviews, and crafting impactful narratives.

2. Data-driven insights: AI analyses vast amounts of data, uncovering trends and preferences about your audience. You can then tailor your communication to resonate deeply, maximising impact.

3. Global reach: AI translation tools remove language barriers, allowing you to connect with audiences worldwide. This opens doors to new markets and opportunities.

4. Personalised communication: AI helps personalise messages for individual stakeholders. This fosters deeper connections and trust, leading to more successful outcomes.

5. Crisis communication hero: AI can analyse sentiment in real-time, helping you identify and address potential crises before they escalate. This proactive approach minimises damage and protects your organisation's reputation.

But hold on, it's not just about the tools. To thrive in this AI-powered landscape, we need to:

1. Upskill: Learn how to use AI effectively, interpreting data and translating insights into actionable strategies.

2. Be human-centric: Never forget the power of empathy, creativity, and critical thinking. AI can't replace these uniquely human qualities.

3. Embrace diversity: AI can help us cater to diverse audiences, but we need to be mindful of cultural nuances and ensure inclusivity.

Remember: AI is not the enemy. It's a powerful ally that can help us communicate more effectively, reach wider audiences, and achieve our goals faster. By embracing AI and upskilling ourselves, we can transform from mere communicators into strategic storytellers, data-driven decision-makers, and global influencers.

So, let's not fear the robots. Let's partner with them and write a new chapter for the PR and communication profession, a chapter filled with innovation, impact, and human connection.

The future is bright, and it belongs to those who embrace change.

This article was written by Syed Mohammed Idid, general manager of strategic communications & stakeholder engagement at West Coast Expressway (WCE).

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